Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Just a Simple Knot

I took a rope tying class with a sub the other day.  4 hours of twisting jute rope under the direction of a French dominant that, in my opinion was not a good teacher.  I suppose he was trying to be a dominant, or perhaps he wasn’t even trying, he just was being himself. I was trying to tie the basic honmusubi knot, which is the basis of all the other knots that create things like suspending helpless naked women from the ceiling.  Rope tying, perhaps, isn’t my forte I was thinking. I remember trying to rock climb once, and I just lost interest because I couldn’t get the hang of it after a few hours, surfing went a similar way.  I think learning curves can’t just go straight down before the student gives up. There has to be a little upwards momentum. My sub seemed to quite content to be tied up in the same way again and again.  He was happy watching the intermediate classes do suspensions, which I can imagine was quite a see. The female models were quite flexible and skilled at bottoming for their tops. I’ve participated once before as a bottom/model for another class, and I actually also had a good time just observing.  When you are a model in these classes you get to attend the class for free. I met one of the better friends that I have here in Tokyo as a result of modeling for that class. The master artist Hajime Kinoko was in that class, so meeting him was quite the highlight. Not to be overly starstruck but, I definitely admire his artwork more than just in a sexual way.  Even having him molest me while i was tied up was a weird part of the thrill. That class was only 3 hours long and I found that it was much more satisfying than this last one, and i wasn’t even doing the rope typing. The teacher I just had was trying to teach me by shaming me, and that actually never really works. I teach every day in Japan, so I feel like I have a right to critique when someone is not effectively teaching a beginner something that allows them to at least have some upward momentum up a steep learning curve.  French instructor comes back and looks at my work,”This is not what I just taught you. This is something else. Why would try to do exactly what you just do knowing that it didn’t work before? Expecting different results?” The basic part of the knot was the part that I just couldn’t get. If you twisted it just slightly a different way, the knot would turn into the “wrong knot” and the whole thing was wrong. I would try to do my best to copy what he just did, but my short term technical memory is quite bad, which is part of the reason why following seemingly simple directions, such as directions from a train station can be quite challenging for me.  It started to make me feel really bad about myself. I was getting jealous of this non Japanese man’s fluent Japanese, but not too much so. I was glad that I had the option to take the class in English because if I also had to learn how to tie ropes and translate in Japanese, my brain would probably explode in more frustration than i could handle for they day. Luckily I had my sub, who was funding this whole adventure in frustration, and he was hungry and willing to feed his goddess. We walked around the area to different restaurant windows and then I instructed him how to pull out my chair, take my jacket and feed and inebriate me. So that my frustration could settle into satisfaction.  

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