Thursday, April 19, 2018

FOSTA/SESTA equals Death

A stripper/escort friend has told me that a flood of new workers have tried to start
dancing again looking for lost revenue at all the clubs in LA, hurting the previous dancers
that were already in house’s income. This worker told me that when she tried to place an Eros ad,
what normally would have taken 24 hours was now taking one week to post up.
Usually when this kind of things happens, it doesn’t happen so fast.
Usually when this kind of thing happens, something new comes about to replace the old.  
Regrowth is necessary and inevitable. Facebook replaced Myspace.
And soon, especially after recent scandal, something will eventually overtake what seems
like the all powerful and indispensable Facebook.
But what will that be?? Sex workers are all frantically working to try to make
different things happen and come to fruition.  Will it be a copy of BP using a different name?
There is clearly a large profit and market share to be grabbed if someone can figure
out how to create something viable that circumvents the destructive frenzy.
I have been reading different groups to see if anyone has come up with an idea.  
There is a petition that is circulating around.
IT IS NOW A FEDERAL CRIME TO GIVE your sex worker friend or partner a ride to work
or receive money from them. YES. That would make you a pimp and a trafficker.

Guess what else is being made illegal? ORGANIZATIONS THAT PROVIDE HEALTH CARE

Thats right.
Sex workers are being stripped of every resource and support system
they barely had to begin with.

In this climate sex workers are left dead. Bottom line.

Sex workers are being killed right now. Killed by being put in dangerous situations
and killed by suicide because this climate is intolerable.

The US government wants sex workers dead.

I read this on a forum from another sex worker:
"I have just had direct, first-person confirmation that a British provider
entering the US has been detained at border control at the airport and has been
given a 10-year ban on the basis of being a SW due to being a verified
advertiser on Eros. This was clearly due to Eros , b/c as soon as her passport
was scanned, they immediately asked her "So, what's Eros for?" They had all of her Eros
info including her passport. She asked me to not mention her name, but to please get the
word out. FYI, I checked and she does not have an active ad on Eros for the US
(she wasn't going there to tour), but she does have an active ad in the UK."

Immigration is now a scary place for me because I am a visa holder in Japan.
 Any association with prostitution can get you deported. Even if it is in your past.
If you don’t advertise in 18 months then your ad become unverified apparently.
Another worker said that they were raided in November of 2017 and
that’s how this border agent got word of her Eros activity.  
But Eros is still up and running to date, so I am confused as to why,
if they were raided and records were seized then how would they be allowed
to continue operating in ways that Rentboy and Backpage were not?
We are all awaiting for someone brave enough to break through this madness
but all of us are scared
and effectively silenced because we haven’t seen something so
big and terrible like this.  
Bigger than Trump’s ugly wrinkly asshole. It’s hard to have
the usual positive outlook.
I don’t have an answer to even close this blogpost with at the moment.
It has this dark hopeless feeling, a familiar one that sinks into me,
the Grim Reaper’s hand over my little girl’s fighting spirit and desire to
change her oppressive world, but his witchy paws moved
my eye lids over my frozen in the last moment of struggle,
confirming the end and, taking my body back to his kingdom.  

Friday, April 6, 2018

Kanamara Matsuri: Not just a parade of dicks!

Kanamara Matsuri was a lot funner for me this year. I made sure I went earlier than the rest of the crowds and I saw the giant penis portable shrines that I missed last year. Last year I came really late, in the thick of the tourist crowds. I ended up getting wretchedly ill and my contact lens even ripped that day so I had to call a taxi home because I couldn’t see well enough to even take a train home and I was feeling nauseous. I was kind of a hot mess. This year I came with a new lover in my arm and a new sakura yukata that I bought for $8.50 (850 yen) at a used clothing shop on the Friday before. I was excited to wear it out, so I fixed it a totally non traditional sexy way and wore high heels with it with my bare legs showing all the way into a black triangle shaped by the other side of the robe. I could feel the eyes of Japan on me and I didn’t care. I gobbled one of my last edibles and was feeling invincible. I wished my lover was more supportive of my sexiness but it didn’t seem to impress him all that much. I thought I looked super hot, but I sent him a photo and he didn’t really show much excitement. I like for the men that date and fuck me to think I am the hottest thing in the world or at least one of the hottest things in the world. This turns me on to see that they are turned on by me. I like to even hear it in my ear. “You look so fucking hot.” I think, however he was more concerned that I was stoned more than anything which, in drug prohibition Japan anything that they don’t understand seems very edgy and crazy, including marijuana, even though I am a veteran and a pro and I know how to handle my fun. He did fuck me really well that night however so the end result was all good. Cannabis makes for great screaming orgasms, if you didn't know.
We can’t get everything we want from a person, I know this much. His dick is small but I have good orgasms and he licks me nicely. This is really important because I’ve had some terrible terrible sex in Japan that I might even still be traumatized from, like getting my pussy vacuum sucked on by an unskilled and nerdy dude that I didn’t want to have anything to do with but did (it was consensual but gross, good thing I've done so much sex work with these kinds of guys so I can recover quickly). The meaning of the Kanamara Festival is fertility and protection from STDS. This used to be a temple used by ancient prostitutes of the time. And current processions are supportive of trans women carrying the portable phallus shrine down the street in a public and open procession. It brings out other trans women and interesting folks from the Tokyo area. It's actually a very ancient tradition in Japanese culture so you can show your pictures to older people and they can't scoff at it. There were a mass of people but I still had fun and got my photos in. I met with a new group of half Japanese folks that I hadn’t hung out with before and met some new people. It was such a great turn around to the dreary months that had preceded this spring outing. I found a 1000 yen ($10) on the ground and promptly gave it to my man to buy me some drinks. And he did! I like it also when men go to the bar and come back with drinks even its my money. Men in Japan don't buy drinks for women in bars, they buy drinks if they know you but buying a drink is not a way to pick up. Stumbling over on the street while drunk is however. My man wasn’t afraid to be publicly affectionate with me which Japanese people usually do not do more than hold hands in public, even if they are coupled and saying goodbye at a train station kissing on the lips is not something most Japanese feel comfortable doing in public. Cuddling in a park might as well be like fucking. My lover speaks Japanese and teaches me as we interact in our relationship. It is my mission to learn this language so I demand that we speak Japanese most of the time, even if it is hard to understand me. He does it because he knows it is super important to me and he is being in service, which is what I look for in a guy. These are the things that make the goddess feel happy.