I was slightly nervous, but I tried not be..He had passed all of the tests that I administer informally over the phone to check to see if the caller is not a vice cop trying to set me up for a cushy twin bunkbed in an overcrowded country jail downtown or in the Valley if they feel like doing me a "favor"...but he wasn't. Just to be sure I left my phone in my car and had the phone number of my good friend who helps me with security on a paper. I got off on the floor below where my guest was to be staying. I hid the safer sex supplies on top of the vending machine and decided that I would come back and get them if my client was indeed a true civilian client and not a police officer. He answered the door in his underwear. (I think that was supposed to make me feel more comfortable?) I verified his identify and then ducked down the elevator back to where I had hidden all my incriminating supplies..I ducked around the floor to check for the other vice cops that hang outside the room during a vice sting listening..stings work best if you are oblivious, or like a hungry and innocent doe that accidentally wanders into the headlights of the wrong truck, as I was the first time I was arrested in a routine sting operation. In the movies, like in life, if you are constantly watching your back from the get go, it is harder to stab..but most people on both sides can too easily be caught slippin'...
If you see any other stragglers outside a suspicious hotel room, and you look back at them and they look at you..KEEP WALKING TO THE CLOSEST ELEVATOR and take it back to your car without looking back! Free advice. Sometimes it's just a little more intuition like that sudden awareness or a quick right turn instead of a left turn which could send a bunch of keystone cops tumbling all over each other. LOL. It's really that easy. They are very simpleminded creatures. They all eat at the same 2 places for lunch, go to the same Starbucks for their Americana and can talk for hours comparing McDonalds Ice Coffee to Starbucks. Believe me, this is what they talked about for the hours while I was being booked. No Lie.
Have you thought about how many officers are actually paid to stop adults from having consensual sex. Usually at LEAST 5-7 OF 'EM. Amazing isn't it? That's our money being used to stop us from being together!
Civilian client and I had an amazing time, and chatted through a room service dinner, filled my belly with crab cakes, red wine and a cup of soup. I left with a smile on my face and a cloud of relief that I was able to do what I do best without any interruptions...
I tell you this story not to make you nervous, but to make you feel at ease that I am exactly who I say I am and that if you make DO make a donation for my time and companionship, understand that I understand that it is just for my time and companionship and I usually don't make the same mistakes twice. Every word that you say counts in court, so this is why I am never going to go into verbal detail about what we do and what we don't do in the hour. If you want the hot and dirty details you need to call my phone sex line. Be prepared to answer some questions about where you work, if you have a business, why you are in town, etc. Don't be in a hurry, Don't ask me to talk about doing or not explicit sex acts, otherwise, I will think that you are a cop. Any talk of sex is purely for our entertainment, and if we end up feeling attraction for each other and we FUCK then that's what people who date sometimes end up doing, now don't they?
I learned it the hard way..;( This is advice that is for clients, hobbyists, AND working girls..because I love you all! xoxo.