Monday, April 22, 2019

Cardi and Bill C?

People are so quick to crucify...and slay people with
inaccurate accusations that can be so damn hurtful.  Bill Cosby was a serial rapist,
a billionaire by then from his #1 show The Cosby Show.  If the 80s
weren’t the time
of certain Black entertainer dominance in the shadow of corruption then the
power Cardi B felt in her millenial
rockstar/new stripper energy period (NSE!)
was definitely no different.  
These are men and women 19-27 super
hot, just woke up like that and for the first time WAKING UP to the sexual power that
goes with that body and that period of your life.  Cardi B is still mad young to me but
when she was robbing and sexually assaulting dudes she was even younger than her
current age, with even less positive guidance
about how to act. Comparing Cardi B to Bill Cosby is
hurtful because it equates the imbalance of power felt by men and women of color
as equal.  I watched real Cardi B videos where she calls herself “stripper hoe”
and “prostitute” so her sex work is on the table even if she recently is trying to
say that she isn’t a sex worker, doesn’t have herpes, and one other alleged/false
accusation. I’m not sure what her STD status is, I do know she was/is a sex worker.  
When she talked about robbing and raping guys on her selfie videos, I can tell you from
experience about the at risk “outcall bitch life” cuz I lived it for 6 or more long years in LA.

Cardi B is a whore revolutionary making money and dreams come
true by any.means.necessary.

I use to live by this mantra as well...until I uncovered the anger, pain
and hurt underneath my tough bitch facade and started to work from
that place instead.  My life changed. My clients changed.  
My entire purpose changed.  

Like me, Cardi B has changed since she made her various videos.  
She says she wasn’t proud of what she had done, but at the same
time she says that the men were “willing and conscious” when she
was drugging them and that is just not true.    Whore revolutionary
is Kali and needs to listen to reason from NO MAN.  I get her. I was her.

But even on the streets there is a line.  People who get the reputation of
“crazy” and people who prefer to keep to certain principles.  Thou shalt
not kill, thou shalt not rape.  Unless, your life is being threatened.  And
this last line can be interpreted in various ways depending on where
you are in the trauma recovery scale.  Sex Work teaches you to create
harder lines around what you will and won’t do, and calculate the risk
fee and add it to the take home.  It is unclear to me if she was just drugging
and assaulting random men she met at the stripclub,
or ALSO her ex boyfriends that cheated on her. The video
that I've seen, talks about guys from the club.

 If it was her clients then the game she was playing was making
the streets that much more dangerous for the women who worked around her. For some
reason, at the time, Cardi didn't
feel like she could make cash by just being Cardi B
and had to go the extra mile and drug and rob the dude.
Women who did this usually were just so adamant about
NOT FUCKING clients that they would go to elaborate
lengths like this to NOT have sex so they could NOT be
mistaken for prostitutes. There is a strong belief
for a lot of strippers that stripping is something
better than full insertion sex work. I know I believed
this when I was a stripper in a club.

There was enough social media backlash to make her
think about this action and change it if she wishes to really
grow as an artist and person.
Being straight forward helps contribute to
enjoying your work (because work is safer and happier).
Having a threesome with a transgender sex worker sounds like an elaborate
thing to do to a client, and sounds more like an ex boyfriend hustle than
anything, and yes, I call it sexual assault. If these men were her clients, there
is no excuse to actually offend first, from whatever position you are in society.
 It’s not necessary for my goal achievment.
But people's goals are different.
Was she trying to be "gangsta"
or was she fundraising for her studio time? This level of violence
falls in the gangster category, as gangsta bitches are more crazy
than strippers and hoes. And stripper hoes. Gangstas have
a different set of rules. Prison yard rules for the prison
yard bound. Prison yard rules for the IDGAFs.
To stay alive you have to start giving a fuck.
You even start to care about people around you.
Having each other's back's is revolutionary.
Staying alive is whore revolutionary.
By any means neccesary was defensive
not offensive.

I did work where
at the last minute the strippers we were with had to inform the guy that the $250
that they just paid was just to cover us showing up and not actually staying.   
Sometimes, drivers would collect $800 from a group of guys and inform them
of the same thing.  Then we’d be running from this angry mob of bros trying to
get their money back.  It was pretty awful but regularly occurring because we
were the ones lying and scamming not them.  Premeditated drugging definitely is in the
land of Cosby, but their circumstances are so different.
Cosby wasn't in fear of his life when he was drugging his victims.
Cosby was at the top of his career and life.
Cardi was clawing her way out of the gutter
using ghetto survival tactics.
The odds weren't stacked against Cosby in a ride or die
economy. Bill Cosby's victims probably didn't have guns or
pit bulls or both.
They're as different as Jello and asshole, the ignorance is astounding.
But Cardi doesn't get a pass from me, and I believe that the
whore revolution doesn't involved cutthroat gangster actions
against the very men that feed us. But, it requires empathy
for those of us who have walked
the not always so glamorous path of self

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