Friday, May 4, 2018

High Risk is for the Birds

I’ve been having lots of trouble screening people when they want to book in Japan.
 I don’t have a rigorous screening process like some escorts I know in America.
Lately guys in Tokyo don’t even want to tell me their real name.  
This is so insane to me as everywhere in Japan you have to show your ID and your passport
to make reservations. If you do not have a valid visa you cannot even rent a computer or stay
at any hotels in Japan, i suppose you could stay at a love hotel for one night but its very expensive
and you would not be able to do this long term.  This is how the government here cracks down
on illegal immigration, it makes it very difficult to function without a paper trail.
I used to be flippant about screening but I lived a decade of high risk and paid the cost of
enduring much trauma in my life so I started to change my policies and the violence I felt like
I had to endure went away!  I could bring clients to my small apartment. It’s not a Hilton or
Westin hotel room by any means, it is a very simple studio apartment, however with candles
in the dark it doesn’t really matter. I got robbed by a client about ten years ago in LA, but in
those days I was barely screening clients. They could give me obviously fake names and I’d
still go see them.   In America, prostitution is illegal and violence is high so having a rigorous
screening process is the only way that many sex workers will even consider entertaining a client.
This is a working standard for most providers so it becomes a normal procedure and not a
surprising thing for business people of a certain caliber to have show 2 forms of ID, have
a reference from another provider AND let a girl call his work and ask for him discreetly.
 I’ve been able to get clients in Japan to do this but many many don’t want understand the
need for this. I don’t trust police to help me because of the many years I have in sex work.
I definitely don’t trust American police and believe that Japan is not a country where the
rights and words of women in danger are respected or believed, especially not from a
foreigner and not from someone who doesn’t speak Japanese well enough to explain the
situation.  I have heard that the police often will automatically side with the Japanese citizen
in a fight even if the Japanese person started a fight with a foreigner. And if the citizen is a
non Japanese, well I don’t know what would happen then. The racism and xenophobia
here is selective and complex just like the U.S so I try my hardest to live a life free of incident
which can be done simply by screening and not taking so many obvious risks to self.
Knowing the real name, the accountable person’s name who says they will not harm
you is one step that doesn’t even guarantee my safety!  It just helps build trust. Actually,
I feel since the ball of danger is disproportionately weighted towards the male client, they
should actually be doing more than me to show me that they can be trusted. It’s similar to
using a condom during sex in my opinion. I did recently finally take a client who agreed to
meet me at the supermarket near my house and go to a love hotel together without ID.
I wouldn’t invite him to my home. I wouldn’t take the monetary and time risk to go to him 45
minutes one way from my home either. This would be 90 minutes on a train roundtrip plus
more time to prepare for the session.  I would not take a train late at night and meet him at a
hotel on the first date because if he turned out to not show, I would have to bear the burden
of taking a taxi home. When I waited for him at the supermarket, I felt like I was in my 30s
again in LA. I know the feeling of taking risks on clients well, but this person had agreed as
much as he was going to agree and seemed to want a session bad enough to take a taxi cab
from his work. Everything worked out fine in the end of the session and I was relieved
because I always really need to the money since I barely work in Japan but I always tell
myself that no amount of money is worth being harmed or endangered at this point of my life.
 Recovering from sexual trauma is seriously something I want to leave in my younger days.

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