So when it first went down for revision for a few days, Niteflirt was steadily tweeting that it would be up any day patiently all the horny callers and all the hard working flirts waited for the service to come back up any day as promised. Now it has been almost 2 weeks since the service has failed to provide much need income and much needed hot fantasies for their 1000s of customers across the nation and world!
When I log in, it doesn't even have a placeholder but only says 404 not found, which is an unsettling thing for faithfuls of the site to see. Well, so far there is no word that it is coming back up by any specified time, and even if it were promised, we who have been waiting now for what seems like ever are skeptical until we see it.
The new site promises enhanced features like the ability to buy custom videos from the site instead of using a 3rd party like clips4sale to direct buyers and will have a way for people to do paid chat sessions, which is actually a rarity in the webcam world, because most of these webcam servers draw customers in with a FREE chat window. From a working girl's perspective, the FREE chat is the most annoying's like being in a peepshow with Beavis and Butthead most of the time. Another webcam service that i tried to work for was like that and I only lasted 4 hours.
Niteflirt puts the power back into the provider and seems to draw very dedicated customers and helps thousands of people realize their sexuality by profitting off it legally and safely in ways that they had probably never had the opportunity to do before. You can browse couples listings and see this young 20 year old hick couple in Alabama or somewhere who just decided it would be great to just have people pay to watch them screw since they were unemployed and doing it anyway just to pass the time of being so broke..and now people are calling to ask them to do it! Hallelujiah!
I am still available on yahoo and skype and you can do a webcam session with me by paypalling me directly...which works out better for me.
Me and another niteflirt dominatrix just WISH that we could get enough traffic on our sites so that we could sustain without the help of a service to get us calls, but i guess that is the challenge for all of the people trying to sell something on the web market...
email me for information on how to set up a cam or phone flirt session if you are interested in that...and as always, I am also availble for "real time" in person sessions for escorting, stripping, BDSM...